Manage inventory-type interventions

Taking inventory

Functionality Carry out an inventory interventionfeature of the K inventory software enables you to monitor operational controls to easily carry out an inventory.

This feature also offers the possibility of scanning identifiers and barcodes to facilitate the identification of references to be inventoried.



1. In the left-hand menu, click on the icon Interventions intervention


2. Go to Task managementclick on the Edit icon of one of the inventory operations to be carried out




3. On the Inventory task, click on the Three points action button, then on the Open


Carry out an inventory following operational controls on K inventory inventory management software

Inventory task list


4. In Selected foldersclick on a perimeter to be inventoried


Carry out an online inventory on the K inventory application

Perimeter selection


To facilitate the processing of interventions, four counters display the status of references inventoried, issued, moved or received:

  • Expected: Number of references yet to be scanned or filled in
  • Scanned: Number of references correctly scanned or filled in
  • Not planned: Number of references not having a quantity identical to the information entered when the intervention was created.
  • Unknown: Equipment not referenced in the database and not provided for in the intervention.


5. Click on the scanner icon to open the input field.


Easy stocktaking with K inventory application

List of references to be inventoried


Scanning a folder during the Inventory stage does not allow you to directly inventory the references present in it.

To do this, you must select the folder when creating the intervention, in order to have all the references listed in the Inventory task.

6. Scan barcode or part number identifier Example of scan 210m scan copper cable


7. For a Equipment or a filethe scan of the identifier or barcode validates the reference.


Take inventory by scanning items on K inventory inventory management software

Scan of an equipment reference


8. For a Producttype, a pop-up window opens where you can enter, in the Quantity field, the number of products counted


9. Confirm by clicking on Save


Carry out an inventory guided by the K inventory stock management application

Pop-up quantity for a product reference



10. For a Producta pop-up window opens where you can enter, in the field Quantityfield, the number of products counted


Automated online inventory on K inventory software

Manual entry in the Quantity field of a product


11. Repeat the same action for all references to be inventoried


To cancel the scan or the quantity entered, click on the checkbox of a reference Delete scan, then click on the basket icon.


Discrepancies may be noted during the inventory. The references concerned will be identified in Orange. The counter Unplanned counter will be incremented to show the number of discrepancies.

  • Quantity difference for a product
  • Location gap for equipment and product


Inventory differenceAutomated inventory with deviation detection on K inventory

References with deviations

References not present on the platform can be scanned; the references concerned will be identified in red. Counter Unknown counter will be incremented to display the number of references not created in the database.

DiscrepanciesReduce inventory errors with the K inventory application

Unknown reference type Equipment


12. To enter information for a reference not yet created in the database, select whether the reference is of type Product or Equipment


SME carry out an inventory with the K inventory stock management application

Reference type selection


13. For a Equipmentvalidate by clicking on Save


14. For a Producttype in the quantity, then click on Save


K inventory inventory management software for small and medium-sized businesses

Enter quantity of unknown product


15. Once all reference information has been entered, save your changes using the Save


SME identify discrepancies during inventories using the K inventory management application

Inventory results



16. On the Inventory Validation task, click on the Three points action button, then on the Open


Reduce inventory discrepancies with K inventory online inventory management software

Inventory task list


17. In Selected foldersclick on a perimeter to be inventoried


Clarify the inventory process with the K inventory application

Perimeter selection


18. In List of inventoried references, check that all data are correct.


Check inventory conformity on K inventory inventory management software

List of inventoried references


19. If the data is correct, click on the Save. Updates will be made automatically
If not, click on Cancel to return to the intervention, the Save buttonallows you to save changes for later editing. Finally, the Close button ends the inventory operation and saves the current status.


Inventory operation save screen

Inventory backup screen


20. If you do not wish to validate the inventory intervention and have an update performed, click on the Cancel


View messages entered by clicking on the Comments tab.

Inventory tracking on the K inventory management platform

List of comments

To reopen the suspended task, on the task, Validate inventory, click on the action button Three points and then on the buttonreopen.

It will also be possible to enter an information message for reopening the task.

To validate and proceed with automatic data updating, refer to action number 19.

21. To check that references have been updated, click on the icon in the left-hand menu, then go to the inventoried folder.


Post inventory to stock management application K inventory

Inventory results


1. In the menu at the bottom of the screen, click on the mobile menu


2. In the action menu, click on the icon Interventions

Actions menu

Actions menu


3. On the Interventionspage, click on one of the inventory operations to be carried out


Intervention on K inventory software

List of interventions


4. In the Taskssection, click on theThree points icon and then on the View Edit icon of the Inventory task.


Intervention on K inventory software

Open Task


5. To retrieve the intervention data, click on the button Download data


The purpose of this action is to update any reference data that may have changed since the intervention was created.


6. Go to List of Foldersclick on a perimeter to be inventoried (example below: CABLAGE)


Carry out an inventory on the K inventory management application

Perimeter selection


To facilitate the processing of interventions, four counters display the status of references inventoried, issued, moved or received:

  • Expected: Number of references yet to be scanned or filled in
  • Scanned: Number of references correctly scanned or filled in
  • Not planned: Number of references not having a quantity identical to the information entered when the intervention was created.
  • Unknown: Equipment not referenced in the database and not provided for in the intervention.

Carry out an inventory over the phone on the K inventory management application

List of references to be inventoried


7. To scan a reference, click on the icon scanner


8. For a Equipment or a filethe scan of the identifier or barcode validates the reference.

Carry out an inventory over the phone on the K inventory management application

Scan of an equipment reference


9. For a Producttype, a pop-up window opens where you can enter, in the Quantity field, the number of products counted


10. Confirm by clicking on Update


Take inventory over the phone with the K inventory stock management application

Pop-up quantity for a product reference



11. For a Productyou can also enter the number of products directly in the Quantity field in the list of references to be inventoried.


Take inventory over the phone with the K inventory stock management application

Manual entry in the Quantity field of a product


12. Repeat the same action for all references to be inventoried


Quantity discrepancies may be noted during the inventory process, and the references concerned will be identified in Orange.

SME carry out an inventory on the K inventory online inventory management application

References with deviations


References not present on the platform can be scanned; the references concerned will be identified in red.


13. To enter information for a reference not yet created in the database, select whether the reference is of type Product or Equipment


SME carry out an inventory on the K inventory online inventory management application

Reference type selection


14. For a Equipmentsimply click on Save


15. For a Producttype, enter in the Quantity the number of products counted


16. Confirm by clicking on Save


SME carry out an inventory using a telephone on the K inventory online inventory management application

Enter quantity of unknown product

SME take inventory on your phone with the K inventory online inventory management application

Inventory results


17. To save the information entered, click on the arrows at the top of the screen to return to the end page of the inventory operation:

  • First click wiring to return to the page Folder list
  • A second click List of filesto return to the intervention page


18. In the Tasks section of the Intervention page, click on the Three points task icon. Perform inventorythen on Close close


SME take inventory on your phone with the K inventory online inventory management application

Closing the intervention


19. To check that references have been updated, click on the home icon in the menu at the bottom of the screen, then go to the folder you have inventoried.


SME take inventory on your phone with the K inventory online inventory management application

Inventory results


1. In the left-hand menu, click on the icon Interventions intervention


2. Go to Task managementclick on the Edit icon of one of the inventory operations to be carried out




3. On the Inventory task, click on the Three points action button, then on the Open


Carry out an inventory following operational controls on K inventory inventory management software

Inventory task list


4. In Selected foldersclick on a perimeter to be inventoried


Carry out an online inventory on the K inventory application

Perimeter selection


To facilitate the processing of interventions, four counters display the status of references inventoried, issued, moved or received:

  • Expected: Number of references yet to be scanned or filled in
  • Scanned: Number of references correctly scanned or filled in
  • Not planned: Number of references not having a quantity identical to the information entered when the intervention was created.
  • Unknown: Equipment not referenced in the database and not provided for in the intervention.


5. Click on the scanner icon to open the input field.


Easy stocktaking with K inventory application

List of references to be inventoried


Scanning a folder during the Inventory stage does not allow you to directly inventory the references present in it.

To do this, you must select the folder when creating the intervention, in order to have all the references listed in the Inventory task.

6. Scan barcode or part number identifier Example of scan 210m scan copper cable


7. For a Equipment or a filethe scan of the identifier or barcode validates the reference.


Take inventory by scanning items on K inventory inventory management software

Scan of an equipment reference


8. For a Producttype, a pop-up window opens where you can enter, in the Quantity field, the number of products counted


9. Confirm by clicking on Save


Carry out an inventory guided by the K inventory stock management application

Pop-up quantity for a product reference



10. For a Producta pop-up window opens where you can enter, in the field Quantityfield, the number of products counted


Automated online inventory on K inventory software

Manual entry in the Quantity field of a product


11. Repeat the same action for all references to be inventoried


To cancel the scan or the quantity entered, click on the checkbox of a reference Delete scan, then click on the basket icon.


Discrepancies may be noted during the inventory. The references concerned will be identified in Orange. The counter Unplanned counter will be incremented to show the number of discrepancies.

  • Quantity difference for a product
  • Location gap for equipment and product


Inventory differenceAutomated inventory with deviation detection on K inventory

References with deviations

References not present on the platform can be scanned; the references concerned will be identified in red. Counter Unknown counter will be incremented to display the number of references not created in the database.

DiscrepanciesReduce inventory errors with the K inventory application

Unknown reference type Equipment


12. To enter information for a reference not yet created in the database, select whether the reference is of type Product or Equipment


SME carry out an inventory with the K inventory stock management application

Reference type selection


13. For a Equipmentvalidate by clicking on Save


14. For a Producttype in the quantity, then click on Save


K inventory inventory management software for small and medium-sized businesses

Enter quantity of unknown product


15. Once all reference information has been entered, save your changes using the Save


SME identify discrepancies during inventories using the K inventory management application

Inventory results



16. On the Inventory Validation task, click on the Three points action button, then on the Open


Reduce inventory discrepancies with K inventory online inventory management software

Inventory task list


17. In Selected foldersclick on a perimeter to be inventoried


Clarify the inventory process with the K inventory application

Perimeter selection


18. In List of inventoried references, check that all data are correct.


Check inventory conformity on K inventory inventory management software

List of inventoried references


19. If the data is correct, click on the Save. Updates will be made automatically
If not, click on Cancel to return to the intervention, the Save buttonallows you to save changes for later editing. Finally, the Close button ends the inventory operation and saves the current status.


Inventory operation save screen

Inventory backup screen


20. If you do not wish to validate the inventory intervention and have an update performed, click on the Cancel


View messages entered by clicking on the Comments tab.

Inventory tracking on the K inventory management platform

List of comments

To reopen the suspended task, on the task, Validate inventory, click on the action button Three points and then on the buttonreopen.

It will also be possible to enter an information message for reopening the task.

To validate and proceed with automatic data updating, refer to action number 19.

21. To check that references have been updated, click on the icon in the left-hand menu, then go to the inventoried folder.


Post inventory to stock management application K inventory

Inventory results



1. In the menu at the bottom of the screen, click on the mobile menu


2. In the action menu, click on the icon Interventions

Actions menu

Actions menu


3. On the Interventionspage, click on one of the inventory operations to be carried out


Intervention on K inventory software

List of interventions


4. In the Taskssection, click on theThree points icon and then on the View Edit icon of the Inventory task.


Intervention on K inventory software

Open Task


5. To retrieve the intervention data, click on the button Download data


The purpose of this action is to update any reference data that may have changed since the intervention was created.


6. Go to List of Foldersclick on a perimeter to be inventoried (example below: CABLAGE)


Carry out an inventory on the K inventory management application

Perimeter selection


To facilitate the processing of interventions, four counters display the status of references inventoried, issued, moved or received:

  • Expected: Number of references yet to be scanned or filled in
  • Scanned: Number of references correctly scanned or filled in
  • Not planned: Number of references not having a quantity identical to the information entered when the intervention was created.
  • Unknown: Equipment not referenced in the database and not provided for in the intervention.

Carry out an inventory over the phone on the K inventory management application

List of references to be inventoried


7. To scan a reference, click on the icon scanner


8. For a Equipment or a filethe scan of the identifier or barcode validates the reference.

Carry out an inventory over the phone on the K inventory management application

Scan of an equipment reference


9. For a Producttype, a pop-up window opens where you can enter, in the Quantity field, the number of products counted


10. Confirm by clicking on Update


Take inventory over the phone with the K inventory stock management application

Pop-up quantity for a product reference



11. For a Productyou can also enter the number of products directly in the Quantity field in the list of references to be inventoried.


Take inventory over the phone with the K inventory stock management application

Manual entry in the Quantity field of a product


12. Repeat the same action for all references to be inventoried


Quantity discrepancies may be noted during the inventory process, and the references concerned will be identified in Orange.

SME carry out an inventory on the K inventory online inventory management application

References with deviations


References not present on the platform can be scanned; the references concerned will be identified in red.


13. To enter information for a reference not yet created in the database, select whether the reference is of type Product or Equipment


SME carry out an inventory on the K inventory online inventory management application

Reference type selection


14. For a Equipmentsimply click on Save


15. For a Producttype, enter in the Quantity the number of products counted


16. Confirm by clicking on Save


SME carry out an inventory using a telephone on the K inventory online inventory management application

Enter quantity of unknown product

SME take inventory on your phone with the K inventory online inventory management application

Inventory results


17. To save the information entered, click on the arrows at the top of the screen to return to the end page of the inventory operation:

  • First click wiring to return to the page Folder list
  • A second click List of filesto return to the intervention page


18. In the Tasks section of the Intervention page, click on the Three points task icon. Perform inventorythen on Close close


SME take inventory on your phone with the K inventory online inventory management application

Closing the intervention


19. To check that references have been updated, click on the home icon in the menu at the bottom of the screen, then go to the folder you have inventoried.


SME take inventory on your phone with the K inventory online inventory management application

Inventory results


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