Search by file

The file search feature of the K inventory application enables you to search for several references at a time by barcode or name. This feature will group together the corresponding references and give you all the information on them, saving you time in your searches.



This feature is only available on the Web version.

1. In the frame on the left of the screen, click on the Search by file


K inventory features Inventory management platform

K inventory features


2. To download the file template, click on the


3. To carry out the reference search and display all associated information, complete the following details identifier or barcode of several references


Identifier and barcode to search


You don’t need to fill in both ID and barcode data, you can search by name or barcode.


Search results


4. Click on the Export to Excel button to export the search results to


5. You can also perform quick actions from the search results page, using the icons Action

Possible actions on a K inventory reference Inventory management software


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