Modifying a reference

Functionality Modify a part numberThe Modify a part number feature of the K inventory inventory software enables you to change the characteristics of a product part number.

This feature enables you to modify the main information, stock status and custom fields of a part number.



1. Click on the modify Edit icon of a reference or click on its identifier, a pop-up appears to modify the reference.


Modify the status of an object in the stock of an inventory applicationModifying a reference


2. Click on the cross in the photo of the reference reference photo to delete it.


3. Click on the add a photo icon to add a photo to illustrate the reference form.


4. Go to Main informationthe following fields can be modified:

  • Identifier (reference name)
  • Barcode (optional for a product)
  • Category (Select a previously created category)
  • Description (comment field)


Change reference characteristics in K inventory softwareModify a reference – Main information


5. In the Stocksection, the fields below can be modified:

  • Quantity (modifiable thanks to quick actions and interventions)
  • Quantity available (can be changed thanks to reservations)
  • Warning threshold (Optional)

Change the stock status of references on the K inventory softwareReference modification – Stock


The section Stock section is only available for Product type references.


The field Quantity field corresponds to the value in the file.

The Quantity available field indicates the Quantity minus the sum of product reservations; it is automatically updated by the reservations made on the reference.


6. In the Custom fieldssection, the fields below can be modified:

  • Status : In stock
  • Brand: REXEL
  • Model: 10M
  • Date received: 2023/04/03


Change the status of an item in K inventory software

Reference modification – Custom fields


Product can be associated with a piece of equipment, this is the functionality Association of references.

This function enables you to automatically update a piece of equipment and the products associated with it.


For example, you can automate the decrementation of Product type reference quantities (e.g. keyboard and mouse) for each issue of an Equipment type reference (e.g. HP 840 G9 laptop).


7. Save your changes with the Save.


View references on the K inventory platformReference modification



1. Click on the reference.


View references on the K inventory platform

Modifying a reference


2. Click on the basket icon of the reference photo to delete it.


3. If a photo is already present, slide the photo to the left or click on the light blue dot scroll buttonsto add a new photo.


4. Cliquez sur l’icône add a photo pour ajouter une photo et illustrer le formulaire de la référence.


5. In the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, click on the edit Edit.


Modifying an item in stock from a cell phone on an inventory management applicationModifying a reference


6. The fields below can be modified:

  • Identifier (reference name)
  • Category (Select a previously created category)
  • Barcode (optional for a product)
  • Quantity (modifiable thanks to quick actions and interventions)
  • Warning threshold (Optional)
  • Comments (Optional)


Product can be associated with a piece of equipment, this is the functionality Association of references.

This function enables you to automatically update a piece of equipment and the products associated with it.


For example, you can automate the decrementation of Product type reference quantities (e.g. keyboard and mouse) for each issue of an Equipment type reference (e.g. HP 840 G9 laptop).


The field Quantity field corresponds to the value in the file.

The Quantity available field indicates the Quantity minus the sum of product reservations; it is automatically updated by the reservations made on the reference.


7. Save your changes by clicking on the Save .


characterize a reference in inventory management softwareModified reference



1. Click on the modify Edit icon of a reference or click on its identifier, a pop-up appears to modify the reference.


Modify the status of an object in the stock of an inventory applicationModifying a reference


2. Click on the cross in the photo of the reference reference photo to delete it.


3. Click on the add a photo icon to add a photo to illustrate the reference form.


4. Go to Main informationthe following fields can be modified:

  • Identifier (reference name)
  • Barcode (optional for a product)
  • Category (Select a previously created category)
  • Description (comment field)


Change reference characteristics in K inventory softwareModify a reference – Main information


5. In the Stocksection, the fields below can be modified:

  • Quantity (modifiable thanks to quick actions and interventions)
  • Quantity available (can be changed thanks to reservations)
  • Warning threshold (Optional)

Change the stock status of references on the K inventory softwareReference modification – Stock


The section Stock section is only available for Product type references.


The field Quantity field corresponds to the value in the file.

The Quantity available field indicates the Quantity minus the sum of product reservations; it is automatically updated by the reservations made on the reference.


6. In the Custom fieldssection, the fields below can be modified:

  • Status : In stock
  • Brand: REXEL
  • Model: 10M
  • Date received: 2023/04/03


Change the status of an item in K inventory software

Reference modification – Custom fields


Product can be associated with a piece of equipment, this is the functionality Association of references.

This function enables you to automatically update a piece of equipment and the products associated with it.


For example, you can automate the decrementation of Product type reference quantities (e.g. keyboard and mouse) for each issue of an Equipment type reference (e.g. HP 840 G9 laptop).


7. Save your changes with the Save.


View references on the K inventory platformReference modification




1. Click on the reference.


View references on the K inventory platform

Modifying a reference


2. Click on the basket icon of the reference photo to delete it.


3. If a photo is already present, slide the photo to the left or click on the light blue dot scroll buttonsto add a new photo.


4. Cliquez sur l’icône add a photo pour ajouter une photo et illustrer le formulaire de la référence.


5. In the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, click on the edit Edit.


Modifying an item in stock from a cell phone on an inventory management applicationModifying a reference


6. The fields below can be modified:

  • Identifier (reference name)
  • Category (Select a previously created category)
  • Barcode (optional for a product)
  • Quantity (modifiable thanks to quick actions and interventions)
  • Warning threshold (Optional)
  • Comments (Optional)


Product can be associated with a piece of equipment, this is the functionality Association of references.

This function enables you to automatically update a piece of equipment and the products associated with it.


For example, you can automate the decrementation of Product type reference quantities (e.g. keyboard and mouse) for each issue of an Equipment type reference (e.g. HP 840 G9 laptop).


The field Quantity field corresponds to the value in the file.

The Quantity available field indicates the Quantity minus the sum of product reservations; it is automatically updated by the reservations made on the reference.


7. Save your changes by clicking on the Save .


characterize a reference in inventory management softwareModified reference

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