Modifying a chart

The functionality Modify a chartfeature on the K inventory software makes it easy to customize graphs by modifying the title, report template, display format and data sources.


This feature is only available on the Web version.

1. In the left-hand menu, click on the Reports reports


2. Click on the three blue dots icon of a graph, then on the


3. In the Graphic properties section of the Modify graphwindow, you can modify :

  • The title
  • The report template
  • Display format (for custom graphics only)
  • Data sources (for Custom Graphics only)


Easy stock graphics on the K inventory management application

Model graphics


Create advanced graphics in K inventory software

Custom graphics


Depending on the type of chart (Chart with default template or Custom chart) you can modify different fields:

In the Chart data, for a default model you can modify :

  • The files
  • Categories
  • (Optional) References


For a custom graphic you can modify it:

  • Horizontal axis data
  • The legend
  • Measurement value
  • Type of measurement

4. In the Custom filters, the fields below can be modified:

  • In the Folderfield, change the location(s) on which data will be filtered
  • In the Categories field, modify the reference category(ies)


Easily visualize stock variations on K inventory management software

Customized filters section


5. In the Dates sectionTo compare two periods on a graph, in the Dates section, click on compare and select a second period for comparison.


Management of comparative periods for inventory management in K inventory software

Selecting periods to compare


6. Save your changes by clicking on the Save


Advanced stock graphics for K inventory online stock management software

Model graphics


4. In the Graphic propertiessection, modify the Display format


Different displays are available to suit different graphics.

  • Columns
  • Curves
  • Lines
  • Sectors
  • Table
  • Text

Show stock variations on K inventory online inventory management software

Display format


5. In the Graphic propertiessection, modify the Data source


Various sources of data are available for better monitoring of activity:

  • References (products + equipment)
  • Products
  • Equipment
  • Interventions
  • Controls
  • Order items
  • Transactions
  • Transactions (entries)
  • Transactions (outputs)

Represent variations on K inventory software

Data sources


6. In the Chart data section, edit the fields:

  • Horizontal axis data
  • Legend
  • Measurement value
  • Measurement type


  • The field Horizontal axis data field divides the data according to a criterion.
    For example, this allows you to display imported part numbers day by day, or by category


  • The Legend field can be used to select a measurement separation criterion, such as the category
    In this way, it is possible to view the import of references day by day, with a curve for each category.


  • The field Measurement value field is used to select the criterion to be measured, such as the quantity or alert threshold of imported references.


  • The field Type of measurement field is used to change the calculation mode
    In number mode, the number of imported references is counted, while in sum mode the total quantity is calculated.


7. To add a location filter, complete the field Locations field in Custom filters


Filter data displayed with K inventory software

Filter on product location


8. To optimize the filters applied to the graph, click on the Advanced filters tab, then modify the advanced filter


Create advanced K inventory graphics

Advanced filter example


You can compare with a fixed value or in relation to the data in a field.
In the following example, the filter value should be equal to Alert threshold for sending to be validated


equal to threshold

Column condition


To switch from one type of reference value to the other, click on the Filter Value or Column filter


To create the filter in the example above

  • Select Alert threshold, then Above
  • Click on the Sort by field Column filter to compare data for two fields (Alert Threshold and Product Quantity)
  • select Quantity


For more information on managing advanced filters, click on this link


9. Save your changes with the Save button


Easily create graphics on the K inventory application

Custom graphics

Default model

4. In the Custom filters, the fields below can be modified:

  • In the Folderfield, change the location(s) on which data will be filtered
  • In the Categories field, modify the reference category(ies)


Easily visualize stock variations on K inventory management software

Customized filters section


5. In the Dates sectionTo compare two periods on a graph, in the Dates section, click on compare and select a second period for comparison.


Management of comparative periods for inventory management in K inventory software

Selecting periods to compare


6. Save your changes by clicking on the Save


Advanced stock graphics for K inventory online stock management software

Model graphics


Customized model

4. In the Graphic propertiessection, modify the Display format


Different displays are available to suit different graphics.

  • Columns
  • Curves
  • Lines
  • Sectors
  • Table
  • Text

Show stock variations on K inventory online inventory management software

Display format


5. In the Graphic propertiessection, modify the Data source


Various sources of data are available for better monitoring of activity:

  • References (products + equipment)
  • Products
  • Equipment
  • Interventions
  • Controls
  • Order items
  • Transactions
  • Transactions (entries)
  • Transactions (outputs)

Represent variations on K inventory software

Data sources


6. In the Chart data section, edit the fields:

  • Horizontal axis data
  • Legend
  • Measurement value
  • Measurement type


  • The field Horizontal axis data field divides the data according to a criterion.
    For example, this allows you to display imported part numbers day by day, or by category


  • The Legend field can be used to select a measurement separation criterion, such as the category
    In this way, it is possible to view the import of references day by day, with a curve for each category.


  • The field Measurement value field is used to select the criterion to be measured, such as the quantity or alert threshold of imported references.


  • The field Type of measurement field is used to change the calculation mode
    In number mode, the number of imported references is counted, while in sum mode the total quantity is calculated.


7. To add a location filter, complete the field Locations field in Custom filters


Filter data displayed with K inventory software

Filter on product location


8. To optimize the filters applied to the graph, click on the Advanced filters tab, then modify the advanced filter


Create advanced K inventory graphics

Advanced filter example


You can compare with a fixed value or in relation to the data in a field.
In the following example, the filter value should be equal to Alert threshold for sending to be validated


equal to threshold

Column condition


To switch from one type of reference value to the other, click on the Filter Value or Column filter


To create the filter in the example above

  • Select Alert threshold, then Above
  • Click on the Sort by field Column filter to compare data for two fields (Alert Threshold and Product Quantity)
  • select Quantity


For more information on managing advanced filters, click on this link


9. Save your changes with the Save button


Easily create graphics on the K inventory application

Custom graphics

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