Modify a supplier

The functionality Modify a supplierThe K inventory software’s Modify Supplier feature makes it easy to update supplier information.

This feature lets you change the supplier’s name, e-mail address and add a new item associated with the supplier.


This feature is only available on the Web version.


1. In the menu on the left of the screen, click on star wheelSettings, then on Suppliers


2. In Supplier Management, click on the edit icon Edit of a supplier


3. In the Information tab, edit the following fields Supplier name and the E-mail field


Modifying a supplier record in K inventory softwareSupplier form


4. In the Items tab, add a new value by filling in the Type and Item fields, then click on the Add



5. Click on the Edit icon of an item to modify it. Once you have made your changes, confirm your entry by clicking on the icon Confirm



6. Save your changes with the Save button


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