Hide a chart

The functionality Hide chartfunction in K inventory’s online inventory management software enables you to suppress the display of a chart from a dashboard’s edit panel, or directly from the chart concerned.



This feature is only available on the Web version.


There are two ways to hide the display of a chart: from a dashboard’s edit panel, or directly from the chart itself.



1. In the left-hand menu, click on the Reports reports


Create dashboards from inventory with K inventory inventory management software

Default dashboard


2. Click on the three blue dots icon of the graphic to be hidden, then on hide


Display graphs of stock variations with K inventory stock management platform

Hides a graphic



1. In the left-hand menu, click on the Reports reports


2. Click on Dashboard at the top left of the screen, then on Modifyr dashboard


Show stock variations on K inventory online inventory management software

Modifying a dashboard


3. Click on the Graphics tabtab, then uncheck the checkbox of a chart in the


Manage inventory charts on the K inventory management application

List of available graphics


4. Save your changes with the Save

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