The functionality Create inventory taskfeature on the K inventory platform lets you plan an inventory by creating an inventory task.
This feature lets you assign tasks to a user or group of users to carry out the inventory operation.
1. In the left-hand menu, click on the icon Interventions
2. Click on Create an intervention
3. In the Description field of the Stock actionsection, click on the
4. Complete the information on the Create an inventory intervention :
- Title
- Start date
- End date
Creating an inventory intervention
5 (Optional) To remove a non-mandatory step, uncheck its check box.
For example, uncheck the Inventory validation
6. To assign a task to a user or group of users, click on Assign tothen click on the
7. Save your changes with the Save
Selecting the account assigned to the task
Result of creating an inventory intervention
8. Save your changes with the Save
9. To select the scope of the inventory task, click on the icon and then on the
button, or click on the task name.
10. Go to Select folders to be inventoriedselect the perimeter to be inventoried by clicking on the checkbox associated with the folder.
Perimeter selection
11. In List of references to be inventoriedconsultthe references present in the selected perimeter.
List of references to be inventoried
12. Save your changes with the Save
Result of creating inventory intervention
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