Create an advanced search

The functionality Create advanced searchfeature in the K inventory management application enables you to create multi-criteria searches on your SKUs.

With this feature, you can create customized filtered views and save your most frequent searches to manage your inventory simply and efficiently in K inventory.



This feature is only available on the Web version.


1. Click on the button for the current view and then on the button. Create view


2. Click on the Personal view icon or on Shared view to select a view Individual or Shared


3. Then enter the name of your view and click on the icon Validate Confirm icon to confirm the creation of your view


View creation pop up

View creation pop-up


Two types of views are available:

  • Shared view: you can create an advanced search and share its results with other solution users. They can also modify the criteria and display of your search results.
  • Personal view: only you can view and modify your search results


4. To add search conditions to your view, click on the icon Filters


5. In the pop-up window Advanced search select

  • Visit Search field by clicking on
  • Visit Criterion by clicking on
  • Enter reference value


You can compare with a fixed value or in relation to the data in a field.
In the following example, the filter value should be equal to Alert threshold for sending to be validated


Condition for searching for quantities below Warning threshold


To switch from one type of reference value to the other, click on the Column filter or Filter Value


6. To add an additional condition, click on Add a condition


7. To create a new condition group, click on add a group Add a group


Groups have their own internal logic and allow you to combine logics. and “and Or “logic in your Advanced search.

To change the logic between conditions, click on the AND filter button and choose from the drop-down list between ” And “and Or

8. To finalize your advanced searchclick on the Search


9. To select the columns to be displayed, click on the Columns Columns button


10. In the drop-down list, click on the column names to show or hide them in the selected view.


Choice of column display for filtered views


The columns displayed in the view are identified by a blue background in the drop-down list.


Result of filtered view


11. To rearrange the column order, drag and drop drag & drop. Left-click on the column to move it.


12. Click on a column to change its sort order

Quantity available

Order of references


A blue dot appears next to the view name Filtered view name to indicate that the view is not saved.


13. To save your changes, click on the view, on the Three points icon and then on the Save


14. You can export the results of your views in Excel format by clicking on the button. Export to Excel


Result of Excel export to K inventory Inventory management software

Data export screen


Example: Apply the following search criteria to display all references in the Office Equipment category that are below the alert threshold and have a Missing status:

  • Category – Contains – Office equipment
  • Type – In – Product
  • Status – In – Missing


K inventory advanced search tab

Advanced search tab

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