Create a supplier

The functionality Create supplierfunctionality on the K inventory platform allows you to create a catalog of products that can be included in an order, making it easier to create and track orders.

Thanks to the Suppliermodule, you can easily complete your supplier’s information, add references from the supplier’s catalog and save your changes.



This feature is only available on the Web version.


1. In the menu on the left of the screen, click on Toothed wheelSettingsthen on Suppliers


Manage supplier profiles on K inventory platformList of suppliers


2. Go to Supplier managementclick on the Create supplier


3. In the Informationtab, complete your supplier’s details:

  • Name: SUPPLIER
  • E-mail (optional)
  • Telephone (optional)

Create a supplier profile with K inventory softwareSupplier form


4. Click on the tab, Itemsthen click on the Add icon to add references from the
supplier catalog. For example, you can repeat the following steps:

  • In Type please select, Product then enter Keyboard in Item
  • In Type please select, Product then enter Mouse in Item
  • In Type select, Equipment then enter HP 840 G8 in Item
  • In Type select, Equipment then enter HP 840 G9 in Item


Assign items to supplier profiles on the K inventory applicationSupplier item creation form


An Article can be of two types:

  • Product: A product is an asset that is processed in quantity, such as a mouse or keyboard. A product can be found in several locations on the platform
  • Equipment: A piece of equipment is an asset that is treated as a unit, such as a laptop, followed by its serial number. Its identifier is unique in the

5. Save your changes with the Save


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