Create a Date field

K inventory’s Create Date field feature lets you add a custom field to record important dates. K inventory is a simple, fast solution that enables companies of all sizes to transform their inventories into a genuine value-creation tool.


This feature is only available on the Web version.

1. Dans le menu à gauche de l’écran, cliquez sur Toothed wheel Paramètres puis sur


2. Go to Custom fields managementclick on the Create field


New field creation form


3. Go to Field propertiesselect the required type, here Datethen enter the Name of the field


4. You can enter a default value


5. You can select a corresponding field from Putaway date and Stock removal date


The Fields fields are automatically filled in when a specific action is performed.
When a piece of equipment isWhen a piece of equipment is put into or taken out of stockthe date on which the operation was carried out is automatically entered in the corresponding field.


6. Save your changes with the Save

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