Associating status fields

The functionality Associate status fieldsThis feature, available in the K inventory inventory management application, enables you to automatically manage part number statuses for interventions.

You can associate the statuses you use on a daily basis with those of K inventory for efficient updating.

Please note that this feature can be activated on request.



This feature is only available on the Web version.


This feature can be activated on request.

1. In the menu on the left of the screen, click on Toothed wheel Settings then on


2. Go to Custom fields managementclick on the modify icon Edit for the field Status


3. Click on the tab, Field values


For more information on how to create a drop-down list field, see the article Creating a drop-down list field.


4. To associate a status value with that of K inventory, click on the Associated fields and statuses


Association of statutes with K inventory


As part of an intervention Movestatus In transit will be automatically updated when the Stock removal step is validated.

For more information on interventions, see the article Consult the Intervention file.

5. Save your changes with the Save


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